It is Worth the Pain to Stop Smoking

For many ex-smokers the biggest side effect of giving up smoking is weight gain. Opinions differ as to whether this is due to a change in the body's metabolism or the fact that the person eats more to fill the time they used to spend smoking. My personal belief is that it is a combination of the two. In the early months of stopping smoking I did not have a significant weight gain and I did not think that I was particularly eating more either.

However as time went by, a the kilos crept on and two years later I was 10 kgs heavier. This, for me is a mild disappointment compared to how happy I am that I no longer have any desire (five years on) to smoke a cigarette. Owning a restaurant and bar in a country that still allows smoking in restaurant without there even being a partition between the smoking section and the non-smoking areas, means that cigarette smoke is a part of every day life until we sell!

However, I can honestly say that, although I would prefer not to spend all day being a passive smoker, I can sympathise with those who still smoke.

I rarely get on my soap box about it unless I am talking to young (18 - 35) year olds.

Not that I consider myself old (43) by any means, but I do feel a sense of regret that I succumbed to the habit, publicly puffing away and thereby encouraging the habit in others.

I suppose at least I can feel some sense of payback for that, now that I am encouraging others to stop!

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Bad Effects of Smoking

Are you a heavy smoker? I suppose that you already knew that smoking is very bad for your health. Do you believe that smoking actually lessen your life span for about 7 minutes per cigarette stick? Deadly ingredients composed of nicotine and other substances are poisonous and can harm our body in various ways. Below are the different bad effects of smoking.

Smoking can lead to various cancers
Smoking an average of 3 cigarettes per day can cause cancers when you get older or in some cases at middle age of 40 to 50 years. Lung cancer is the most usual turnout of smoking habit but it is also the supporting culprit for colon cancers, cirrhosis, tumors and many diseases. Many teens are aware of the bad effects of smoking but instead of avoiding them, they indulge this vice.

Smoking is addictive
Cigarette is composed of approximately 4000 chemicals all of which are not good for the body. Nicotine is the main reason why you can't quit smoking. Nicotine is a very deadly poison. If you don't control your cigarette crave, you can be one of those people who will die because of smoking habit.

Bad for the heart
Cigarettes can trigger heart attack. It can cause hardening of the arteries that makes your blood clot and heart attack or stroke happens. A recent study shows that you can have an immediate reactions in your first smoke of cigarette which results to various heart problems and not just heart attacks. Almost 90% of cardiovascular disease patients are smokers or have a history of taking cigarettes. To avoid heart problems, avoid cigarettes.

It can weaken the immune system
More people especially teens, prefer smoking because they think it can help them lose weight. This idea was very wrong. The reason you are getting slim when you smoke is because of the nicotine which destroys your immune system. This results to anxiety and stress that can lead to lose body muscle and fats. Other deadly composition of cigarettes are butane, methane, ammonia, cadmium, carbon monoxide and many others, all of which are bad for your health. A weak immune system can lead to various diseases such as cancers and viral diseases.

Smoking is bad for your oral health
We all know that this habit can cause you bad breath. But is that the only problem you will get in smoking? Study shows that smoking is the main reason for teeth discoloration, build up of plaque and tartar, risks of leukoplakia, gum problems, oral cancer, decreasing mass of bone jaw, darkening of lips and many others. So if you love your over all oral health, stop smoking.

It lowers your hormone levels
Taking cigarette can lower the level of estrogen in women. Women who often smoke reaches menopause at an early age. When this occur, patients are likely prone to many diseases.

Smoking seems to be the trend today. You see teenagers smoke a cigarette at a very early age. It helps them feel comfortable and at ease with the use of cigarette. They feel more relax and sociable. But are you willing to risk your health by this things? You can achieve peace of mind and relaxation by other things not harmful to our body. I believe that smoking contributes to all disease we have today. Killing people silently and slowly destroying our environment. Love yourself by living clean and healthy. Be responsible to nature as we also have one earth to live on.

About the author

Noah Mark Rodolfo is an alternative natural healthcare practitioner and is committed to bring the best health and wellness information online. Get the most updated news about health, diseases, weight loss and proper nutrition on his website at

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